Have you ever signed up for a FREE Download, How-to Video, or Webinar?
I have too, sometimes they’re great – sometimes meh. They’re free – no harm, right?
Where did that link come from, and why, oh why did you click on it?
It was probably an ad somebody paid for (hi, that’s me!) – it probably popped up while you were scrolling Facebook or searching Google – and…
You were a target.
If the person paying for that ad knew what they were doing – you not only saw it, but you identified with it. And then you clicked on it. You connected with that ad because that person knows their audience.
This is the most fundamental part of setting up an advertising campaign. Google, Facebook, Instagram – they only work if an advertiser has a very specific description for their target audience – like their age and location; most importantly their interests and activities.
They got exposure.
They spent a little money and got a little exposure. After you clicked, you gave them your email address (so you could access your free thing, yay!) – we all do it, it’s fine. Then they probably sent you an email. If you opened it, they got a little more exposure, and their advertising dollar went a little further.
If they had good branding and provided you with a positive experience, you probably remember who they are.
You could tell me a little bit about what they do, you might recommend their social media account to a friend, or you might even purchase their product or service. If they had a logo and name you remember, a social media account you decided to follow – a product or service you are enjoying – maybe you’ll keep going back to them.
If they made the most out of their time with you, they made a real connection – and that will lead to more exposure, better exposure – because now that exposure is backed by a referral.
Hopefully they knew what they were doing BEFORE they paid for that ad.
Before paying for advertising, you most definitely need to define your target audience. You should be able to provide general information about them – their age, gender, location and interests.
You should be able to identify the wants and needs of your audience – and you should have solutions for them.
Before paying for advertising, establish your brand. You should have a distinct identity for your business, and content (website, social media account, postcard, customer reviews) that shows off your products and services.
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